пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Either that or the heater being set to 85 bothered her.� Didn#39;t affect me much because I was cold when I got home.� Also, I absolve myself of any blame because I don#39;t adjust thermostats.� Most people don#39;t agree with my choices so I let them handle how hot or cold the place will be.� Despite my other efforts, I apparently slipped up in the final hour or so I was home and something on somewhere that was eating up energy.� I suppose it would be too much to assume that for the part of the evening when I was home alone, I displayed an almost paranoiac obsession with trying to conserve energy.� Whatever.

All that aside, I finally get to pick up my paychecks� The first one should have been in two days ago, but the person in charge doesn#39;t seem to care much for uniformity of payment, although he sure is adamant about everything else following a regulation or other.� Due to his...whatever you want to call it, I now get to pick up both of my paychecks this morning before going in to work, which means I can finally do some real grocery shopping.� Aside from that and gas, I#39;m fine for the rest of the month, so I#39;ll just hold on to the rest.� I do still need to book a hotel though.� I guess I#39;ll add that to my list of things to do.� Mapquest or Google should have a list of places in the area that I can go to.

For goodness sake, Friday means so much to me right now.� Only four more days of work and I can finally take a break.� I#39;m trying to finish the myriad applications I have so that I don#39;t have to do anything at all that day that might cause unnecessary stress.� Here#39;s to hoping.� I have letters to mail off to campus, papers to fill out, resumes to update, and probably a list of other things to do.� After that, I have all the many projects I myself began that need to start being finished instead of procrastinating for no reason.

Yesterday I met a Japanese girl and an EAS major from the university.� They both came in to the tea house while I was working and we talked for a bit.� We also got complimented for making high quality espresso drinks.� Take that Starbucks.� Personally I don#39;t drink coffee or espresso, but it#39;s good to know we are trumping the corporate competition.� Not that it#39;s too hard.� So long as we remain a relatively small business in comparison, we can produce a better drink as well as a better experience than the corporate leaders who are just churning out a product as effectively as they can.� It#39;s not that we aren#39;t doing the same thing, but we have a slightly different order or priorities, or something.

Tomorrow is going to be hell, and I don#39;t know about Sunday either.� I think I may be passing on the wine party because I need rest.� Especially if I have to go straight out of one job and directly to another the day before, only to wake up and go back to work that day after.� At the same time, next weekend I#39;ll be free to do as I please, so it#39;s all good I guess.

So don#39;t forget:� if you talk to someone as though they are a child, they might start acting like a child.� Just to piss you off.� Or they could be mature about it and you would never know.� Could go both ways I suppose.

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